Big Dog - The Power of 'Yes'

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Kate Jackson, Certified Dog Trainer
Spin. Good boy. Spin. Yes. I just demonstrated the power of yes. Yes, is a word that highlight to your dog that they performed the correct behavior. Because of that, they are going to get a treat. If your dog understands that yes means the treat is about to follow, you can highlight behaviors as you go through your training which makes your training a lot more effective. Yes. It's going to take you about a week to establish a good understanding of the word yes. Yes. For about a week you're going to have to have treats in your pocket at all times when you're with your dog. You're going to watch your dog very carefully at anytime you see them do anything positive you're going to grab a treat, tell them yes! and surprise them with that treat. So examples would be if you walk into the room and your dog was curled up in their dog bed, you grab a treat, walk up, tell them yes, Or if you get to the back door and they just happen to just sit, on the way out, without being asked, those are perfect opportunities to tell your dog-yes, and to give them a treat. The key to this exercise is to do it totally randomly, so that your dog is not expecting the treat. After about a week, when your dog hears the word yes! their ears will perk up. When that happens you'll know they have a really good understanding of the word yes. For WebMD's One Minute Trainer, I'm Kate Jackson.